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Every effort is made to make your child's visit to the doctor an enjoyable one.


Our patient rooms are cheerful and brightly colored to make them feel more at ease. Toys are provided in each room.


Rooms are decorated according to the season or holiday. Decorations make the rooms festive and sometimes the decorations even serve as a learning experience. For instance, during voting season, a copy of the Constitution hangs on the walls.

Lozano Medical Clinic has developed many long-term relationships with a large clientele of older patients. We are proud to boast that many of our patients are in their 90’s and are living healthy, active, independent lives!


Fun Facts
Quinquagenarian = 50’s
Sexagenarian = 60’s
Septuagenarian = 70’s
Octogenarian = 80’s
Nonagenarian = 90’s


Lozano Medical Clinic is an approved research study provider for the UVLrx Therapeutics Intravenous Light Therapy Treatment System.


Click here to read more about the UVLrx system.


If you are interested in participating in the research study, contact our office to obtain the research study form to complete and bring it with you to the clinic.




Multiple wavelengths delivered concurrently.

Integration into a standard IV catheter.

Maximum health benefits.


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